Frequently Asked Questions

What are your opening hours?

Our opening times are 7am – 7pm
(with our standard day being 8am – 6pm)
Monday – Friday
51 weeks per year.
You can extend the standard day by up to an hour each way at the same hourly rate on a pay as you go basis.

What days is the nursery closed?

Please note that we are closed on Public/Bank Holidays.
We are also closed between Christmas & New Year.
You will not be charged during these closures.
Booking pattern terms
We have a minimum booking pattern of 2 sessions per week. This could be 2 half days/full days but must consist of 2 days of attendance per week.


The registration fee is £300, £150 of this is retained for admin and the reminder will be refunded to you at the end of your child’s contract with us, subject to our terms and conditions are adhered to and your account is cleared and up to date.
Fees are payable one month in advance. Invoices are issued on or before the 15th of every month and are payable by the 25th of each month.
Late payments will incur a £10 per day charge until the account is cleared.

Extra days or hours can be added subject to availability and will be charged on the following invoice.

Fees remain payable during periods of absence, including sickness or in the event that the Nursery is compelled to close in reasonable circumstances beyond our control, nor can we accept any consequential liability sustained by parents / carers due for example to loss of earnings or costs associated with alternative childcare. Dependent on the nature of the closure we may be able to seek compensation through our insurance policy, and every effort will be made to minimise the disruption to service and cost to parents or carers. None of the above compromises your statutory rights if the Nursery has been negligent.

Fee increases are calculated each year and are based on a review of our running costs. This will be emailed out to you with 6 week prior notice of any changes to our fee structure.

Fees include all meals, snacks, Aptimal formula (only) for infants, Sudocrem, nappies and sun cream.

Do you offer funding?

All 3-year-old children are eligible to start a funded nursery place from the term following their third birthday. Since all children are eligible you will be asked to complete a funding form before the term begins for us to claim this from the government.
We offer limited places for children eligible to claim 30 hours. You can find out if you are eligible by visiting

If you are eligible, you must email nursery to inform the management team and they will inform you whether we have the availability to claim above 15 hours or add you to the waiting list. The code given to you via email from the gov website is your responsibility and should be renewed every 3 months. Failure to do so may result in your child loosing their funded 30 hours for the following term.

You may stretch your funding over 51 weeks of the year (all year round) or use them in the 38 weeks of the year (term time). This can be specified in the funding form provided when your child is eligible to claim.

Please email the management team to find out how we offer the funded hours.
If you wish to change your child’s funding hours, we require 1 terms notice.

Early/Late drop off

These are subject to availability and must be booked and confirmed in advance to ensure appropriate staffing is available.
If any child is collected or dropped off outside their booking time, there will be a £10 charge, then £15 for every 10 minutes thereafter.

Swapping days/sessions

We do not offer swaps.
Additional ad hoc days/sessions can be booked subject to availability.
Fees remain payable during periods of absence including sickness or holidays.

Sibling discount

We offer 5% sibling discount if you have 2 or more children attending the nursery. This will be deducted from the oldest child’s fees.
We offer 25% off the registration fee when registering 2 or more children with the setting.

Sibling Discount isn’t valid for FEL children.

Confirming sessions/booking pattern prior to start date

We require at least 8 weeks’ notice of booking pattern prior to child’s start date.

Settling in sessions

We offer 3 FREE setting in sessions. The sessions consist of the following:

1st – 1 hour with the child, parent/carer and the child’s key person. This gives the parent/carer and the key person to hand over everything about the child from development to likes/dislikes and any further information we really must know to ensure we can provide the best care for the child. It also gives the child opportunity to see parents/carers working closely with key workers and them the opportunity to get the know the key person.

2nd – 1 hour in the room without the main parent/carer.

3rd – 2 hours, again in the room without the main parent/carer over a meal or snack, this allows the child to experience another part of the nursery day for a little longer before their official start date.

If you require further settling in sessions this can be arranged subject to availability. These must be booked in advance and will become chargeable. Please ask a member of the management team for more information.


Any offers on additional sessions, competitions or open days will be emailed and posted on social media. This must be referenced when booking and must comply with the terms and conditions with the special offer.

Canceling place

We require 8 weeks’ notice to cancel your child’s place. Your £150 registration fee will be refunded on your child’s last day with us by card at reception.

Leaving for school

For children in their final year with us before leaving for a reception class, we assume that your child’s last day will be at the end of August (31st August or the last schedule session prior to that date) unless you inform us otherwise with 8 weeks written notice. If you would like to defer your child’s entry to reception and remain at the nursery for an additional year, we ask that you inform us in writing at the end of the prior school year.


Any over payments will go on your child’s account as credit. If there is any overpayment on the account when your child is due to leave us a £20 transfer fee will apply when returning this to your account.

Our rights to cancel your child’s place with us

We may cancel your child’s nursery place and end the contract with you if you break it. We may end the contract at any time by writing to you if:

– you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you fail to make payment by the seventh day after the 25th (payment date);

– you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information about your child that is necessary for us to provide adequate nursery care to your child

– or you or your child’s behaviour is deemed threatening, abusive or violent.

Children’s contagious illnesses and recommendations for absences from nursery