Arriving at nursery in the morning

We completely understand that mornings can be difficult, and we’re committed to doing everything we can to ensure a positive and warm start to the day for our children and their families.

You’ll be welcomed by our management team on reception, and then met by either your child’s key person or a member of your child’s staff team at the door. This is a chance to discuss anything important you may need to hand over or simply what you got up to at home so we can extend this into the nursery.

Your child will then either have breakfast or play with a member of the team and friends, while parents are free to grab a coffee and something to take with them from reception before heading off to work.

Free Play

Children are able to freely explore and play with our resources and all of our areas from our dress-up station and role play to reading and singing in our book/cosy corner. They can also categorise materials, construct, explore sensory activities and water play. Children can also familiarise themselves with the world around them through small world vehicles, animals and people. Mark making is available in all areas to allow children to explore making marks wherever they are. We tune into children’s needs and interest and are child led with their learning.

Soft Play

Our soft play areas are specifically designed for 2 age groups, the under 2’s and over 2’s. This is an additional space for children to challenge themselves physically, build relationships and role play in a safe and soft environment. Our team will often plan different treasure hunts and games to enhance the learning opportunities available.

Outdoor Learning

We offer 2 specifically designed outdoor areas for our under 2’s and over 2’s. We provide opportunities for physical activities such as climbing, balancing, riding, playing ball games and completing obstacle courses.
We also have an allotment/veg patch which the children take care of for Forest School-inspired learning experiences. All children will spend time engaged in outdoor learning every day.


All meals and snacks are prepared fresh by our onsite chef. We have three mealtimes where the children eat as a group with the team.
We promote a relaxed and sociable atmosphere for our meals, and the children are encouraged to serve themselves (when able) and help clear up. Lunch is served at 11.30am for our younger children and 12pm for the older ones. Dinner is served at 4pm. A snack is available between 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm where children are able to come and enjoy a snack with a couple of their friends.

Adult Led Learning

Every day our team will lead small adult led group sessions. They will also explore and research new topics/interests with the children, extending their knowledge of the world around them. It is important to recognise the level of involvement with the group of children and adapting practise to follow their interest keeps the children engaged and developing through play.

Sleep & Rest

Good sleep and/or rest is essential for all children. Our under 2’s rooms have their own designated sleep room and our over 2’s rooms are designed to easily convert into cosy sleeping spaces with gentle music and soft mats or pods. We follow each individual child’s home sleep routines, and then continue to support children to sleep at the time that is right for them.
Children who no longer require a sleep in the day may still want to rest and are able to take themselves off to our cosy book areas, designed to feel relaxed, calm and secure.

Collection Time

At home time, parents and carers are encouraged to discuss the child’s day and hear all about everything they have been up to. It’s a perfect opportunity to get to know the team, other parents, and to ask any questions you have about how your child is progressing.